Store Hours
12:00 to 5:00 PM TUESDAY - SUNDAY.
306 E 9th Street
New York, NY 10003

Dinosaur Hill will be closing at the end of November. We have enjoyed nearly forty years of toys, Handmade wonderments, a celebration of life and learning. I just turned 77, have worked since I was 14 and have decided it’s time to retire.
There is presently a 25% off everything sale, which will continue through October.
In November, Almost Everything will be 40% off. 50% off on some items until December 6th.
Meanwhile, you may still find:
-A- Abacuses, Agates, Ammonites, Animal figures, Apatosauruses, Arpilleras -B- Balls, Bears, Bells, Bongos, Blocks, Bath toys -C- Capes, Cards, Cats, Checkers, Chess, Cars -D- Dimetrodons, Dogs, Dolls, Dresses, Drums, Dragons -E- Eggs with silly putty, Elephants, Enchanting objects -F- Fairies, Fire Engines, Flip Books, Fossils,-G- Games, Geckos, Geodes, Glass Animals, Globes -H- Hand Puppets, Hats, Harmonicas, Hobby Horses, Hot Air Balloons -I- Iguanas, Iguanadons, -J- Jacks in Boxes, Jacks, Jump Ropes (lots of Jump ropes) -K- Kits to make Clocks, Robots, Kazoos -L- Lamps, Lanterns, Llamas –M- Magic Kits, Magnifying Glasses, Magic Tricks, Marionettes, Marbles, Monkey Drums -N- Necklaces, Nesting Dolls -O- O-Balls, Oil Paints -P- Pianos, Pirate Ships, Puppets, Puppet Theaters, -Q- Quagga, -R- Robots, Rocks, Rabbits -S- Shadow Puppets, Shirts, Shovels, Snakes, Spirographs, Solar System Mobile, Solitaire -T- Tea Sets, Tee Shirts, Telescopes, Theaters, Tibetan Tigers, Tools -U- Ukranian Alphabet Blocks, Umbrellas -V--Violins W- Wall Hangings, Wind-ups, Wombats -X- Xylophones -Y- Yaks, Yoyos -Z- Zebras.
Thank you, oh wonderful people, large and small, young and old for being on this earth and coming to Dinosaur Hill. I will miss you.
With Fond regards and High Esteem,
Pam Pier